Global Justice, The Capability Approach, and Social Policy


The Foundational Issues thematic group of the Human Development and Capability Association (HDCA) will organize a pre-conference event on Global justice, the capability approach, and social policy at the upcoming HDCA conference. The event will take place on 31 August 2016 at Hitotsubashi University in Tokyo, Japan. 

With outset in Gillian Brock’s book Global Justice (OUP 2008) the aim of the event is to consider how abstract discussions on global justice can translate into concrete policy advice, for example within a capability framework. We will take up and discuss the relationships between global justice and concrete issues of global and national policy, such as global poverty, taxation reform, nationalism, health justice, work exploitation, and responsibility.

Confirmed contributors: Gillian Brock (University of Auckland), Eric Palmer (Allegheny College), Serene Khader (Brooklyn College of CUNY), Yuko Kamishima (Ristumeikan University), Sridhar Venkatapuram (King’s College London), Krushil Watene (Massey University), and Rebecca Gutwald (LMU Munich).

Further details concerning the program and registration will follow soon. Participation will be free of charge.

Any inquiries can be directed to the coordinators of the FICA thematic group, Morten Fibieger Byskov ( and Rebecca Gutwald (