Special Issue Proposal

A proposal for a special issue of Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric (TPR) should include the following information.

Guest Editors

Please provide the following details for all guest editors in the order you would like them to appear on the Special Issue:

  • Name(s) in full
  • Academic/professional affiliation(s)  
  • Address(es)
  • Email(s)


Summarize the prospective topic of the Special Issue in detail. Please keep in mind that the issue should not be overly broad, but nevertheless allow for an interesting array of papers and novel contributions to a particular field in applied global justice theory. 

Provide evidence that this theme is currently a topic of study, or else make a case for the existence of an important gap to be filled in the literature.

Describe what the guest editors' relation to the topic of the Special Issue is, and why they are well placed to edit it.


Special issues can follow two models: 1) given set of contributors (for instance as a result of a workshop); 2) contributors to be selected via a CFP.

For (1), please include a list of papers with their prospective authors (please include the abstracts of these papers, if available). This list should only include authors who have already preliminarily agreed to write a paper or at least expressed a keen interest in doing so. It should not include scholars who have not already indicated their availability.

For (2), please clarify the exact modalities through which you plan the special issue (e.g. a CFP, workshop). In this case, please include:

  • a list with some people you have already - even if informally - solicited and which have expressed a preliminary interest in participating in the Special Issue. 
  •  The CFP for the conference on which the Special Issue is to be based and a selection of conference papers, or else the CFP intended to elicit submissions directly for the special issue.

Review Process

The guest editors are responsible for the review process. They will either have access to the journal’s online system or be supported by the editors and / or editorial assistant of TPR in accessing papers, reviews, and revisions. Special editors will manage submissions, refereeing and revisions and will decide on which papers to include. They will be supported in this process by TPR’s editorial assistant and by the editor of TPR allocated to oversee that special edition. The editor(s) of TPR may propose reviewers and will have final approval over selected peer reviewers to both support the guest editors and to help maintain the academic integrity of the review process. Note that publication of any special issue or article is still subject to final approval on the part of the journal’s main editors, who retain a right to veto prospective publications if they deem them not suitable for the journal.

The Editors are also very happy to provide editorial advice and guidance throughout the process whenever required.


To submit a proposal, formatted according to these guidelines, please use TPR’s main online submission system and select 'Special Issue Proposal' (as opposed to ‘Article’, ‘Introduction’, ‘Review’, etc.) from the drop-down menu on the first page.