The Scope of Distributive Justice

Central European University, Budapest, 5-7 July 2012

The workshop was organized by the Department of Political Science, CEU and the Global Justice Network.



Eszter Kollar



Simon Caney, Oxford
“Justice, Equality and Humanity”
Response: Janos Kis, Central European University

Samuel Scheffler, New York University
“The Practice of Equality”
Response: Zoltan Miklosi, Central European University



Eric Brown, Central European University
“Cosmopolitanism – A Relational, Institutional Approach with Special Reference to Corruption”

Emily Crookston, Coastal Carolina University
“Refusing to Take Up the Slack or Just Slacking?” 

Helena de Bres, Wellesley/Stanford
“Disaggregating Global Justice” 

Sem de Maagt, Erasmus, Rotterdam
“Social Ontology, Practice Dependency, and Normative Political Theory” 

Jon Garthoff, University of Tennessee
“Moral Coordination Problems and the Global Reach of Distributive Justice”

Haye Hazenberg, K.U. Leuven
“Global Democratic Equality?” 

Elizabeth Kahn, York
“Global Justice – A Structural Approach” 

Paul Kelleher, University of Wisconsin-Madison
“Distributive Justice is Associative, Relational, Egalitarian, and Prioritarian”

Eszter Kollar, John Cabot University
“Constructing Global Fairness – In Search of Public Ideals” 

Saladin Meckled-Garcia, University College London
“Agency and the Scope of Distributive Justice: Restricting the Scope Without Practice Dependence”

Kristina Meshelski, California State University, Northridge
“Structures Not Institutions” 

Andras Miklos, University of Rochester
“Justice and Equal Claims to Natural Resources”

Attila Mraz, Central European University
“Practice-dependence: The Irrelevant Methodology of the Scope of Justice Debate”

Tom Porter, Manchester
“The Limits of Background Justice” 

Verena Risse, Goethe University Frankfurt
“International Legal Coercion in the Debate on Global Justice”

Miriam Ronzoni, Goethe University Frankfurt
“Different Conceptions of State Sovereignty, and their Implications for Global Justice”

Shlomi Segall, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
“The Problem with Inequality”

Christian Seidel, Erlangen
“Vindicating Distributive Equality”

Juri Viehoff, Oxford
“Justice or Democracy – Relational and Distributional Egalitarianism and the Shape of Supranational Institutions”