Global Justice and Migration: Normative Perspectives And Empirical Trends
Organized by the IMISCOE (International Migration and Social Cohesion in Europe), the European University Institute, and the Global Justice Network, this workshop focused on the relationship between global justice and migration
Rainer Bauböck, Miriam Ronzoni and Christian Schemmel
Roxana Barbulescu, EUI
“Age Discrimination, Aged Migrants, and Entry Policies in European Countries”
Cristina Brădăţan, Texas Tech University
“Emigration, Poverty, and Development: Morocco and Romania in a Comparative Perspective”
Costica Dumbrava, EUI
“Democratic Polity and Selective Admission”
Sarah Fine, Cambridge
“Immigration Control and the Modern State”
Eszter Kollar, John Cabot University
“Locating (In)justice in Transnational Health-Worker Migration: International Human Rights vs. Global Distributive Justice”
Patti Lenard, Ottawa
“If I Object to Increasing Rates of Permanent Migration, Should I Object to Temporary Labour Migration, too?”
Martin Ruhs, Oxford
“The Economics and Politics of Migrant Rights”
Bas Schotel, Amsterdam
“Practical Arguments from Normative Migration Theory: Shifting the Burden of Proof from Migrant to Migration Authorities”
Tiziana Torresi, Oxford and Valeria Ottonelli, Genova
“Migration, Voluntariness, and Justice”
Jonathan Zaragoza, Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
“Externalization of Migration Policies and Global Justice”